Exercise 6

Credit scoring

Please model the following process

A bank employee uses the bank’s web site to determine the credit worthiness of a customer. That web site communicates with the back-end credit rating system of the bank which in turn communicates with a third party credit protection agency to provide credit scores of the customer.

The process sends a scoring request to the agency right after the start.

The agency first performs a quick scoring (level 1). This often leads to an immediate result which is then returned directly to the banking back-end system within seconds. The banking process presents the result to the clerk working in the bank’s web site.

Sometimes the scoring cannot be determined immediately and takes longer. In this case, the third party agency informs the banking process of the delay and then starts the level 2 scoring (which can take up to a couple of minutes). After the scoring result is determined, the information is sent back to the banking process. The banking process sends a message to the bank’s web site informing the clerk about the delay and to check again later. As soon as a result arrives, it can be viewed in the front end.

Please use 3 pools for your model:

  • Front end (Bank): collapsed pool (do not model details)

  • Scoring (Back end bank): expanded pool (model all details)

  • Scoring (Credit protection agency): expanded pool (model all details)

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