Exercise 3


Please model the following process

Insurance policyholders can be forced to pay back the money they have received from the insurance company for various reasons. This procedure is called recourse and in the following paragraphs, a clerk describes how this process works:

I receive a message regarding a potential recourse case. I’ll investigate it and if I conclude recourse isn’t possible, I will just close the case. If I determine recourse is indeed possible, I will send out a request for re-payment and then I will set a due date for the payment.

Next, one of three events will occur. * If we receive the money, I will process the payment and close the case. * If the due date is reached without a payment received, I’ll hand the case over to a collection agency. * If I receive a response back from the policyholder appealing the repayment, I will research the reason for the appeal. If I conclude the policyholder was correct, I will close the case. Otherwise I will forward the case to a collection agency.

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